The ceremony of ordination to the office of the holy ministry of the Church of Scotland, will be performed tomorrow in the Scotch Church here, by the Presbytery, in the case of the Rev. Mr. Gow, who has been officiating as minister in the Colac and Wardiyallock Districts.
This, if our memory serves us rightly, is the first instance of an ordination taking place in any Church in Port Phillip. The ceremony will be commenced at one o'clock precisely, and, when, in addition to the solemnity of the occasion, we take into consideration the field of usefulness which lies before the minister, in a thickly peopled district of 'the destitute interior,' an additional interest must be felt by everyone who is anxious to see that destitution relieved.
Mr. Gow during his long residence here, has ever had the reputation of being a sincere and upright Christian - a sound theologian - a sensible, clear, and evangelical preacher - and a practical promoter of peace and goodwill to all men.